Middle and Long Distance Ski Orienteering Open Hungarian National Championship 2014
Slovakian Cup Invitation
Hungarian Orienteering Federation and Egri Testedző Club
President and: Ildikó Szivák
Course setter: Attila Déry és Attila Lajszner Secretary: Attila Lajszner
Location: Bánkút (Bükk-mountain), 800-900m height above see-level
Date: 17-18. January 2015.
Competition Center: Bánkút, Fehér Sas Pension
17. January 2015. saturday, middle distance (Slovakian Cup) start time: 12:00
18. January 2015. sunday, long distance (Slovakian Cup) start time: 11:00
Categories: Middle and long distance national championship: -17, 18-20, M21, M35, M50, W21, W35, Open In case of enough numbers (at least 5 competitors) of entries in a certain category then the organizer will set up official results.
Entry fee:
2300.-HUF/run/person; -17: 1700.-HUF/run/person, Open: 1200.-HUF/run/person
At the event: 2800.-HUF/run/person, Open 1700.-HUF/run/person
Entry address:
e-mail: lajszi@freemail.hu
Please send the: name of the club, name of the competitor, date of birth, category, SI number (if you have)
Deadline of entry: 13. January 2015.
Bánkút, middle and long:1:10 000/5m, surveyed in 2014., special ski orienteering map.
In 90% the tracks will be continuous and broken lines and in 5-10% the narrow dotted tracks.
Prizes: The first three of each class will be awarded medals
Control points:
The competition is organized with SPORTident electronic punching system. Rental fee of SI card is 200.-HUF/day (in case of lost: 11 500.-HUF extra fee)
Fehér Sas Pension, Bánkút.
In case of reservation of 4-5-6 persons it costs relativly favourable There is a restaurant in the pension.
Information, reservation:
e-mail: fehersaspanzio@gmail.com
tel/fax.: 46/390 – 371
web site: http://www.fehersaspanzio.com
- The competition is open, anybody can take part in it on his/her own responsibility.
- For the racers refreshments will be provided.
- Every competitor are requested to punch at the finish.
Further information:
Attila Lajszner, tel.: +36/30/688-3272, e-mail: lajszi@freemail.hu
Normáltávú OB 2013 | Középtávú OB 2013
Normáltávú OB 2012 | Középtávú OB 2012